7 Ways to Inspire Your Life


Inspiration is all around us! We can take walks in nature, volunteer to help others, utilize positive websites or read motivational blogs and self-help books. There are so many ways to be inspired and motivated but sometimes it’s hard to get out of the gate. How do you inspire yourself? Look over our list of 7 ways to inspire your life and see if any of them resonate with you.

Inspire your life and you will inspire others

Enjoy the Journey!

Life is busy!  We all have plans and goals and we may forget to enjoy the present. Take time to look around you, be thankful for where you are and how you got here. You created this life for yourself; you are here because you achieved your goals! The journey may not seem as exciting as the goal but the it definately deserves your attention; it is your life’s journey. Maybe it’s time to slow down, take it all in and enjoy the little things around you, every day.

 “A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike.” John Steinbeck

Shake things up!

Are you bored with your routine? Maybe it’s time to do something differently; it can be as simple as a new coffee house, a lunchtime walk in the park or a different route to your daily destination.  Perhaps you need something more challenging, try setting your alarm a ½ hour earlier each day to make time for it. We all get into ruts; sometimes just a little change in your routine can set the course for a better day. It’s up to you to shake things up in your life, in a good way.

“Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.” Edward de Bono

Spread your wings!

Try something new! What have you always wanted to do that may be out of the ordinary for you? Can you make that happen? When? We all have goals and that ‘one thing’ we really want to try when the time is right, when will that be? Maybe it’s time! Challenge yourself, do something new and exciting! It will give you more confidence, it will take you out of your comfort zone and it will give you a new life experience to grow from.

“Courage and willingness to just go for it, whether it is a conversation or a spontaneous trip or trying new things that are scary – it is a really attractive quality” Alanis Morissette

Let it go!

Are you holding onto something negative? Something that is holding you back from being your best self? Maybe it is time to let that energy go. Negativity is detrimental to your health, and it is hard to deal with day in and day out! Life is much easier when you can be happy with yourself and the people around you.  Whatever is holding you back, do yourself a favor and let it go, take a deep breath and move on. It is much healthier than hanging onto bitterness and letting it go will bring you peace.

“It’s not an easy journey to get to a place where you forgive people, but it is such a powerful place, because it frees you.” Tyler Perry

inspire your life

Choose Happiness!

Happiness is a state of being, some days are easier than others but even bad days have beautiful moments in them. Focus on the positive, think of the good things that have happened in your day and your life, there is beauty and kindness all around us. Chose to focus on the positive, be good to yourself, you are wise, strong and capable. Be a happy you!

“Happiness depends upon ourselves” Aristotle

Embrace change!

Things are always changing, for good and for bad. Change has been the only constant through history! We can’t control change but we can control how we react to change; we can accept change and perhaps even grow from it. Some change is easier than others, but we are adaptable humans. If we allow ourselves to embrace change and to learn from it, we will become stronger and wiser in the process.

“If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.” Gail Sheehy

Believe in yourself!

Individually, we are the most important people in our lives. We are valuable, we are important, we are human. It is important to be grateful for who you are and love and respect yourself every single day. It is up to you to challenge yourself with new ideas, to grow, to be happy, to be kind, and to be the type of person that attracts good people to you.  Make a daily effort to be positive, to be your best and to believe in yourself so that others will too.

”Believe in yourself, and find new ways to express yourself, and find the discipline to keep growing” Michael Feinstein

We hope this list and short inspirational quotes gives you food for thought and nudges you in a positive direction. Inspiration is different for everyone. Remember to listen to your intuition, do what is right for you and move forward to inspire your life!


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